Duo MFA and VPN
Using Duo MFA to Sign In to VPN
Starting September 18 at 7AM, Duo authentication will be required for VPN. This way, if someone has your account credentials, they will be stopped as they don't have access to your Duo to fully sign in to the VPN.
Follow these steps to log into VPN:
1. Connect to the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.

2. For Group, Select either of the first two tunnels
Tunnel-Caltech-Traffic: Users at home who need access to Caltech resources but don't want all their traffic sent over VPN to Caltech. There may be sites configured to recognize a home IP address. View more details.
Tunnel-All-Traffic: Users on an insecure network, such as a public wireless access point or a hotel DSL connection, that wish to send all of their network traffic through an encrypted tunnel. View more details.

3. Log in to the VPN with your username in the format of username@caltech.edu.

Enter your access.caltech password.
4. Verify your sign-in using your two-factor authentication method (DUO).

Verify your sign-in on DUO when prompted. You may be asked to enter a code like the one above on your device that you use for authentication.
Now you should be connected to the VPN.
For any other questions or concerns, contact the Help Desk at 626.395.3500, help@caltech.edu, or https://help.caltech.edu (request type: IMSS > Duo/MFA Help).