Effective October 30, the default expiration date for Box shared links will be 180 days, which will apply to all newly created shared links for People with the link and People in your Company.
IMSS is implementing this change to match security policies regarding collaboration and file sharing that Box and other peer institutions have widely adopted.
While we recognize that this change may impact some users, shared link expiration dates and other settings can be easily changed. To change the date:
1. Click on the Share icon for the item you want to edit
2. Select the type of Shared Link you want to use, either "People with the Link" or "People in your Company"
3. Select "Link Settings"
4. Choose a new link expiration date and "Save"
For more information about sharing in Box:
For questions, please contact the Help Desk (x3500, help@caltech.edu, https://help.caltech.edu).